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Patentability Searches Mastery Module


In this module/program, I will teach you the complete process of conducting a Patentability Search and give you a Live Demonstration of the patentability search. I will teach you: 1. What is an Invention Disclosure Form or (IDF). 2. What are Novelty, Inventive Step, and Industrial Application? 3. The Ideal Technique to Study IDFs and Understand the Potential Crux or Inventive Steps/Features of a Proposed Invention. 4. The Questions You Should Ask The Inventor and Confirm the True Crux or Inventive Steps/Features of a Proposed Invention. 5. How to Decide What All Keywords Are Important In Reaching the Relevant Prior Art. 6. Different Type of Search Strings Formations (Keywords, IPC, Assignee, Etc.) 7. How Efficient Search Strings are Fabricated. 8. What are Patent Classifications Codes, International Patent Classification (IPCs) and how they are used to refine searches and locate relevant patents in specific technology areas? 9. How and When Should We Combine Keywords with Patent Classifications? 10. How to Read a Patent, and what are the different sections in a patent (such as Abstract, Independent Claim, Dependent Claim, Specifications, Detailed Descriptions, etc.) 11. Non-patent literature (NPL) (including scientific journals, conference proceedings, etc.) and NPL Searches. 12. What are Forward and Backward Citations and they are used for conducting searches? 13. How to Analyze Search Results and Cite Relevant Text 14. Patentability Search Report Preparation 15. How Opinion on Patentability is Rendered


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